Artwork Entrustment Guide
- How to
- Artwork Entrustment Guide
01 Entrustment Guide

I AUCTION corp. is entrusted with the valuable artworks of customers.
The artworks are Korean antiques (Earthenware, Ceramics, Ancient paintings, Calligraphy and Folkcraft article), Modern arts artwork, and foreign artworks.
We wish to present the artworks of the customers for various auctions including major auction, online, offline auctions, and 8 more auctions per year.

02 Entrustment Application Guide

You can apply to entrust the artwork that you wish via e-mail or the website (application for entrustment). Please submit a picture of the artwork and information on the artwork that you wish to make an application to entrust.
E-mail application
Send a picture of the artwork and a prescribed entrustment application form via e-mail.
I Title of the mail: Name of the customer _ Artwork entrustment. ex) John Smith _ Artwork entrustment -
Website application
Login to the website. You can easily apply for a trust by using the How to-apply for to entrust.

03 Review guide

The artworks will go through a review by the specialists of all parts and the results of the review will be provided via the e-mail address provided or can be checked via Mypage - Trust history. [Trust related inquiry] Homepage : Service-1:1 Inquiry / E-mail : I / Representative phone number : 02-733-6430~2

04 Appraisal and Contracting Process Guide

1. Check whether the artwork can be submitted though a written review.
2. Discuss with the person in charge about the artwork that has gone through the written review.
3. Stock the real artwork in I AUCTION. (The trustee transports the artwork)
4. Go through a progress to review the realsize artwork.
5. Decide the price of the artwork (reserved price) and make a contract.
- The artworks that cannot be submitted on auction will be rejected. (Transported by the trustee)
- The price of the artwork will be decided with an agreement from the trustee. The submission can be cancelled if there are difficulties deciding the price.

05 Trust payments guide

If an artwork has been successfully bid, the trustee will receive information on this from the manager.
The artworks will be provided to the successful bidder after full payment has been made. The trust payments without trust commissions will be paid.
Trust commissions
10% of the successful bid payments will be applied for trust commissions. (Value Added Tax excluded) Refer to the terms and conditions for more information.
[Impose transfer tax]
The transfer tax is applied to the value of transfer tax more than KRW 60 million as of 2013.
The artwork of a Korean artist that is still alive will be exempted. Refer to the terms and conditions for more information.