Auction in progress

이전 페이지로 다음 페이지로

如初 金膺顯

Kim EungHyeon

  • 서각('독신호학'), 휘호('독신호학')

書刻('篤信好學'), 揮毫('篤信好學')

Calligraphic Signboard('Dok-Sin-Ho-Hak'), Calligraphy('Dok-Sin-Ho-Hak')

목판, 지본묵서
Wooden Board, Ink on Paper

서각-69.5×131㎝, 묵서-69×130㎝


현판, 배접

Estimated price

  • KRW  600,000 ~ 1,800,000
  • USD   460 ~ 1,360
  • JPY     66,000 ~ 196,000

Detailed explanation of artwork

Details of artwork ownership

Artist introduction

The artist’s other artworks currently under auction