Auction in progress

이전 페이지로 다음 페이지로
  • (Unknown)


  • 목제 호패 10점

木製 號牌 十點

Wooden Identity Tag 10 Pieces

총 10점 일괄


①서문덕, ②황용하, ③우현대, ④안동권, ⑤이태헌, ⑥한회원, ⑦김진기, ⑧노진구, ⑨노수만 외 1명

Estimated price

  • KRW  1,200,000 ~ 3,600,000
  • USD   910 ~ 2,710
  • JPY     131,000 ~ 392,000

Detailed explanation of artwork

Details of artwork ownership

Artist introduction

The artist’s other artworks currently under auction