Auction in progress

이전 페이지로 다음 페이지로
  • (Unknown)


  • 유리 표형사리용기, 금동 사리용기 3점

琉璃 瓢形舍利容器, 金銅 舍利容器 三點

Glass Gourd Dipper Shaped Sarira Container, Gilt-Bronze Sarira Container 3 Pieces

금동①-1.6㎝, 금동②-2.7㎝, 금동③-2㎝, 유리-8.5㎝


Estimated price

  • KRW  30,000,000 ~ 90,000,000
  • USD   22,560 ~ 67,680
  • JPY     3,261,000 ~ 9,781,000

Detailed explanation of artwork

Details of artwork ownership

Artist introduction

The artist’s other artworks currently under auction