Auction in progress

이전 페이지로 다음 페이지로
  • (Unknown)


  • 퇴계선생문집 29책 완질, 퇴계선생집 4책

退溪先生文集 二十九冊 完帙, 退溪先生集 四冊

Anthology of 'Lee Hwang' Works 29 Books Complete Collection, Anthology of 'Lee Hwang' Poem 4 Books

29책-석판본, 4책-필사본
29pcs-Lithographic Printing Book, 4pcs-Manuscript

퇴계선생문집-31.5×22㎝, 퇴계선생집-30.5×20㎝



Estimated price

  • KRW  500,000 ~ 1,500,000
  • USD   380 ~ 1,120
  • JPY     55,000 ~ 165,000

Detailed explanation of artwork

Details of artwork ownership

Artist introduction

The artist’s other artworks currently under auction