Auction in progress

이전 페이지로 다음 페이지로
  • (Unknown)


  • 경주김씨보소지장, 진양정씨 충장고가세저보장(의령군 보림면 근봉)

慶州金氏寶所之章, 晉陽鄭氏 忠莊古家世傳寶章(宜寧郡 寶林面 謹封)

Kim's Family Stamp, Chung's Family Stamp

경주김씨-3.3×7×9.3㎝, 진양정씨-6×4.2×4.2㎝


Estimated price

  • KRW  600,000 ~ 1,800,000
  • USD   450 ~ 1,340
  • JPY     66,000 ~ 198,000

Detailed explanation of artwork

Details of artwork ownership

Artist introduction

The artist’s other artworks currently under auction