

위에 민준 岳敏君Yue Minjun

1962 ~


팝 아트


  • Education
  • 1983, Graduated form Hebei Normal University, oil painting department
  • Exhibitions
  • 2013, Yue Minjun, L’Ombre du fou rire, Paris, France (solo)
  • 2012, Yue Minjun, Galleri S.E, Bergen Norway (Solo)
  • 2011, The Road, Pace Gallery, Beijing, China (solo)
  • 2011, The Archeological Discovery in AD3009, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus, Denmark (solo)
  • 2010, Reshaping History Chin Art from 2000 to 2009, China National Convention Center, Beijing, China
  • 2010, Pure Views: New Painting from China, Louise Blouin Foundation, London, England
  • 2010, Made in Pop land, National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea, Gwacheon, Korea
  • 2009, COLOSSAL - KUNST FAKT FIKTION, Museum und Park Varusschlacht im Osnabrücker Land, Germany
  • 2009, Mahjong: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, USA
  • 2009, Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai, China
  • 2009, The Archeological Discovery in A.D. 3009, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China (solo)
  • 2008, The Revolution Continues: New Chinese Art, Saatchi Gallery, London, England
  • 2008, Facing China, Stadtgalerie Schwaz, Austria / Kunstraum Innsbruck, Austria / Akureyri Art Museum, Iceland
  • 2008, Translocalmotion. 7th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai, China
  • 2008, Facing Reality-Selection of Chinese Contemporary Art, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
  • 2007, China-Facing Reality, Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation, Vienna, Austria
  • 2007, Yue Minjun and the Symbolic Smile, Queens Museum, New York, USA (solo)
  • 2007, Yue Minjun: Looking for Art, Beijing Commune, Beijing, China (solo)
  • 2007, Yue Minjun: I Love Laughing, Asia Society, New York, USA (solo)
  • 2007, Red Hot! Asian Art from the Chaney Family Collection, Houston Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA
  • 2007, Max Protetch Gallery, New York, USA
  • 2007, China now - Kunst in Zeiten des Umbruchs, Sammlung Essl - Kunsthaus, Klosterneuburg, Austria
  • 2006, Yue Minjun: Manipulation Series, Enrico Navarra Gallery, Paris, France (solo)
  • 2006, Xianfeng! Chinese avant-garde, Museum Beelden aan Zee, Scheveningen, The Netherlands
  • 2006, Without Boundary, Pyo Gallery Seoul/ Pyo Gallery Beijing, Beijing, China
  • 2006, The Reproduction of Idols: Yue Minjun, 2004-2006, He Xiang Ning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China (solo)
  • 2006, Looking for Terrorists, Beijing Commune, Beijing, China (solo)
  • 2006, Radar: Selections from the Collection of Vicky and Kent Logan, Denver Art Museum, Denver, USA
  • 2006, Shu: Reinventing Book in Contemporary Chinese Art, China Institute Gallery, New York, USA
  • 2006, China Now, Sammlung Essl Privatstiftung, Klosterneuburg, Austria
  • 2006, Mahjong: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany
  • 2005, Beautiful Cynicism, Arario Beijing, Beijing, China
  • 2005, Sky of Fate: Invited Exhibition of Chinese Paintings 2005, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
  • 2005, Plato and his seven spirits, BJ Century Overseas Chinese City, Shenzhen, China
  • 2005, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal of He Xiangning Art Museum, China
  • 2005, Open 2005: International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Lido, Venice, Italy
  • 2005, XIANFENG: Chinese Avant-garde Sculpture, Museum Beelden Aan Zee, Hague/Scheveningen, The Netherlands
  • 2005, Mahjong: Sigg Collection of Modern Chinese Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Bern, Switzerland
  • 2005, Dress Up in Art: Theme Exhibition on Traditional Chinese Operas, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
  • 2005, Post Auratic Self Portrayal of Yue Min Jun, CP Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia (solo)
  • 2005, No U-Turn: China Contemporary Art, TNUR Guando Museum of Art, Taiwan
  • 2005, Conceptual Art: Exhibit of Contemporary Paintings from China, Shenzhen Art Museum, Guangdong, China
  • 2005, Figur / Skulptur, Sammlung Essl - Kunsthaus, Klosterneuburg, Austria
  • 2004, Shanghai 5 Biennale: Techniques of the visible, Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
  • 2004, Guangju Biennale 2004: A Grain of Dust, A Drop of Water, Gwangju, South Korea
  • 2004, Art on the Beach: Sculptures, Enrico Navarra Gallery, Ramatuelle, France
  • 2004, 20 Years of Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong Art Center, Hong Kong, China
  • 2004, China, the Body Everywhere?, Maseille Museum of Contemporary Art, Maseille, France
  • 2004, Yue Min Jun: Sculptures & Paintings, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong, China (solo)
  • 2004, Twenty-Four Living Artist in China, Alexander Ochs Galleries Berlin, White Space Gallery, Beijing, China
  • 2004, Stone Face BANG - Chinas first group printing exhibition, Shanghai, China
  • 2004, Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China
  • 2004, Contemporary Lithography Group Exhibition, L.A. Gallery Beijing, Beijing, China
  • 2003, Yue Min Jun: Beijing Ironicals, Prüss & Ochs Gallery, Berlin, Germany (solo)
  • 2003, Yue Min Jun, Meile Gallery, Lucerne, Switzerland (solo)
  • 2003, From China with Art, Indonesia National Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 2003, The Rest of the World, Neuffer Am Park, Pirmasens, Germany
  • 2003, Newe Kunsthalle Mannheim 2, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany
  • 2003, CP Open Biennale 2003, Indonesia National Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 2003, Living Conditions: Selections from the GDMA Collection of Contemporary Chinese Art, Guangzhou, China
  • 2003, Der Rest Der Welt, Alexander Ochs Galleries, Berlin, Germany
  • 2002, Conceptual Images: 2002 Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting, Shenzen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
  • 2002, Six Contemporary Chinese Artists, Reykjavik Art Museum at Kjarvalstadir, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • 2002, Things We Believe, Alexander Ochs Galleries, Berlin, Germany
  • 2002, Spring Group Exhibition, Art Beatus, Vancouver, Canada
  • 2002, Golden Harvest: Chinese Contemporary Exhibition, Croatia National Art Museum, Zagreb, Croatia
  • 2002, The First Guangzhou Triennial, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
  • 2002, Inaugural Exhibition: Contemporary Terracotta Warriors, The Esplanade, Singapore
  • 2002, Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition: Red Land, China, Gwangju Art Museum, Gwangju, South Korea
  • 2002, Korea and Chinese Painting 2002: New Expression, Seoul Culture & Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
  • 2002, Chinese Contemporary Art, Rekjavik Art Museum, Rekjavik, Iceland
  • 2002, A Point in Time-Changsha, Beauty Art Museum, Changsha, China
  • 2002, Soaking In Silly Laughter: One of Art Singapore 2002, Soobin Art Gallery, Singapore (solo)
  • 2002, Yue Min Jun: Handling, One World Art Center, Beijing, China (solo)
  • 2001, Ornament and Abstraction, Foundation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland
  • 2001, Hotpot: Chinese Contemporary Art, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway
  • 2001, Song Zhuang, Stadtische Galerie im Buntentor Bremen & Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, Germany
  • 2001, Chinese Mythology, Yidian Gallery, Shanghai, China
  • 2001, New Works, Courtyard Gallery, Beijing, China
  • 2001, Passe - Murailles, Musee de Picardie, Amiens, France
  • 2001, Millennium Portrait of China, Bremen City Gallery, Bremen, Germany
  • 2001, New Image: 20 Years of Chinese Contemporary Painting, touring major Chinese art museums
  • 2001, Take Part, Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne, Switzerland
  • 2001, Art Beatus Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
  • 2000, Red Ocean, Chinese Contemporary, London, England (solo)
  • 2000, Shanghai Art Fair 2000, Shanghai, China
  • 2000, Art Cologne, Cologne, Germany
  • 2000, Futuro, Contemporary Art Centre of Macau, Beijing, China
  • 2000, The Dutch Gasunie, Groningen, The Netherlands
  • 2000, Between... Chengdu Upriver Residence, Kunming Upriver Club, China
  • 2000, Portraits of Chinese Contemporaries, Culture Centre of Francois Mitterrand, France
  • 2000, Our Friends, Bauhaus University Art Gallery, Weimar, Germany
  • 1999, Transparence, opacité? 14 Chinese Contemporary Artists, France, Italy
  • 1998, The Grand Tour, Chinese Contemporary, London, England
  • 1998, 5000 + 10, Chinese Contemporary, London, England
  • 1998, The First Exhibition of Upriver Gallery Collection, He Xiangning Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China
  • 1998, Beijing Prediction: Contemporary Art of China, Beijing, China
  • 1998, 8+8-1, Selected Paintings by Fifteen Contemporary Artists, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong
  • 1997, China Now, Tokyo, Japan; Basel, Switzerland
  • 1997, Quotation Marks: Chinese Contemporary Paintings, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
  • 1997, CHINA! Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany; traveled to Vienna, Austria; Berlin, Germany; Singapore
  • 1996, Elevenses: The Avant Garde, Taikoo Palace, Hong Kong
  • 1996, Inaugural Exhibition II, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong
  • 1995, Images of Women II, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong
  • 1995, New Trends `95, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
  • 1995, The History of Chinese Oil Painting: From Realism to Post-modernism, Galerie Theoremes, Brussels, Belgium
  • 1995, 5+5: Voices from Russia and China, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong
  • 1995, Visions of China: Contemporary Chinese Painting by Chinese Masters, Pacific City Club, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 1995, The Magnificent Duo: Recent Works by Yue Minjun and Yang Shaobin, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong
  • 1994, 8+8, Contemporary Russian and Chinese Avant Garde Exhibition, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong
  • 1994, New Trends `94. Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
  • 1994, Art Asia `94, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
  • 1992, Yuanmingyuan Artists Exhibition, Yuanmingyuan, Beijing, China
  • 1991, Contemporary Modern Art Exhibition, Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China
  • 1987, ‘S’ Art Exhibition, Hebei Museum, Hebei, China
  • ...etc

작가 소개

위에 민준(岳敏君, Yue Minjun, 1962~ )은 중화인민공화국의 현대미술작가이다. ‘냉소적 사실주의자(Cynical Realist)’로 대표되며, 장샤오강, 왕광이, 팡리쥔와 함께 중국 현대미술의 2세대 작가 군에 속한다. 배반하는 현실을 비웃고, 폭력적인 현실에 눈감는 자아를 표현한 ‘웃음 시리즈’로 세계적인 주목을 받았으며, 그의 작품 <처형>은 2007년 런던 소더비 경매에서 590만 달러에 팔리면서 중국 현대미술 화가 작품 중 최고가로 낙찰되기도 하였다. 현재 베이징에서 거주, 작업하고 있다.
위에 민준은 1962년 헤이룽장성 다칭에서 태어났다. 군인 가정에서 태어난 그는 어린 시절을 부모님을 따라 베이징에서 보냈으며, 고등학교를 졸업하고 톈진 석유공장에서 일하였다. 1985년 신사조 미술운동이 일어나던 해 허베이 사범대학 회화과에 입학하였고, 이듬 해 `85 신사조 운동에 동참하였다. 1989년 대학을 졸업하고 본격적인 전업화가의 길을 걷기 시작하였다.
자신의 언어를 찾고자 고민한 위에 민준은 과장된 제스처와 색상으로 주변 친구들의 모습을 화폭에 담았다. 세상에 대한 조롱과 비판으로 사회를 향해 냉소를 던지고 있는 그림 속 인물들은 차츰 그 자신으로 대체되었다. 자신을 모델로 한 그림 속 남자는 우스꽝스러운 복장에 요상한 몸짓을 한 채 입을 크게 벌리고 하얀 이를 드러내 보이며 과격하게 웃어댔다. 언뜻 유머러스하게 보이는 이 웃음은 중국의 급격한 변화 속에서 야기된 개인적, 사회적 혼란에 대한 반항과 슬픔, 분노와 체념이 뒤섞여 있었다.
위에 민준의 웃음은 장소를 넓혀 역사 속 혁명과 폭력의 현장에 등장하는가 하면 애니메이션의 주인공으로, 고전회화의 인물로 나타나고, 우주의 창공과 지구의 끝으로 종횡무진 달려갔다. 그리고 그가 등장하는 곳에서는 어김없이 황당하고 터무니없는 각종 상황들이 연출되었다. 사람이면서 동물 흉내를 내고, 남자이면서 여자 분장을 하고, 인간이면서 기계의 부속품 같은 모습을 연기한 그는 그러한 자신의 모습이 너무도 재미있다는 듯 그 커다란 입을 벌려 웃었다.
위에 민준의 과장된 웃음은 배경을 달리하며 수많은 장소에서 반복되어 등장함에 따라 이제 그것을 바라보는 사람들의 시각과 심리를 지배하는 하나의 아이콘으로 자리 잡았다. 모든 이념적 경계와 남녀의 구분, 평화와 폭력의 대치도 그의 웃고 있는 인물상 앞에서는 의미를 잃어버렸다. 마치 애니메이션의 캐릭터처럼 영원히 살아 움직이는 생명력을 부여받은 그의 자화상은 더욱 폭 넓은 대상을 조준하며 웃음의 역설을 보여주었다.
주요 작품에는 《대단결》(1992), 《자유를 이끄는 여신》(1995~96), 《세상보기》(1996), 《기억 1》(2000), 《새》(2003), 《육해공》(2007) 등이 있다.
출처/두산백과, 위키백과, Artnet

작가의 경매 작품